What do the transits really do? Recently, I received a message from an astrologically aware friend. She wanted to know what my reaction was when Venus was Cazimi the Sun in Leo. She thought this transit was significant because it made an exact sextile aspect to my own natal Venus conjoined Ascendant. The sextile is considered to be an opportunity. At first, I couldn’t remember anything in particular about that day.
The transit coincided with an opportunity to become peaceful!
But something did change that day. On that day, I realized that I had been creating a battle of sorts with my husband for a couple of months and I decided to make peace with myself. The truth is that he wasn’t engaged in battle with me. Our trip to California in the hottest week of the summer left me tired and out of sorts. I simply wasn’t letting go of the mood. So this gentle transit sextile marked a decision that I made to be peaceful, as it revealed to me my own attitude quite clearly. The sextile provided the ease to change, to be in a loving and open state of mind again.

Transits Affect Multiple Planets
I feel the transiting Saturn conjoined to my Moon much more strongly. Saturn is a slow moving planet. Lately, it has be conjoined to my natal moon. My natal moon is the focal planet of a natal partile yod, involving the Sun and Neptune both quincunx to Moon, while natal Moon opposes natal Mercury. Moon is square natal Mars. So when Moon experiences a challenge it sets off multiple reactions.
I feel sadness on and off as Saturn’s apparent motion moves forward and retrogrades back. The energy remains consistent whether the aspect is exact or a few degrees off. It feels as if I am at a happy get together (my own normal internal joy and outward life) but a stranger is the room. This stranger, Saturn, is the room and I know he’s there. When Saturn is in closest aspect to Moon, the dark stranger seems to be shaking hands with me and he is bringing tears to my eyes. Even when the transit conjunction is a couple of degrees from exact, I still see him in the room. And I know he’s going to walk up to me again. What is his message going to be?
Transits to my moon “trigger” other planets in my chart.

Some transits are felt throughout the chart!
In addition to the conjunction, there is a “game of pool” type of energy around my chart that gets activated by any planet conjunct my Moon. When Saturn bumps the Moon, the Moon sends its energy to Mercury, to the Sun, to Mars and to Neptune, all sitting between 0° and 4°. So Moon’s issues trigger anger (Mars), mental agitation (Mercury), a longing for spiritual oneness (Neptune), and a longing for a creative role (my Leo Sun).
And I’ve noticed that when the slow moving planet walks into my 10th house, it affects me greatly. I’ve worn so many hats through my life, used a variety of talents. I’ve enjoyed putting on different occupations, different roles, so when the slow moving transits occur in my 10th house, initially, I don’t know what my role should be. I don’t know how I can most be of service to others and to myself. It is really disconcerting to flounder, in my sense of my outward role. I know I am Spirit-Soul (Moon in Pisces). But what does Spirit-Soul do in the outer world? The 10th house is not about money. The 10th house is about our place before the public, career, how we identify when we are asked upon being introduced to someone new “so, what do you do?”
Looking back
Months have gone by since writing the above blog article. Saturn has moved way past the interactions with my Moon, Sun, and Neptune. I’ve got a habit tracker app. I listed all the things that I think are important for good health in the app. Things like breathing exercises certain yoga practices using eye wash a lot of health practices and spiritual practices that I did many years ago are on my new list. My list even includes reminders to call my friends or contact people or write in my blog. So Saturn had the effect of making me feel empty and kind of structureless, career-less and friendless. The healing response is that I have put a better structure in place. It’s working! And as a result of having this structured list I have created space in my life in my days is to write, to talk, and share what I know. As a person who has spent her whole life studying, teaching, and learning, I will continue doing what I have always loved.