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Time Is the Realm of Astrologers
Time is the realm of astrologers. This chart represents the times of day and 12 divisions of a year as well as the symbols and names of the twelve signs of the zodiac.

Time is the realm of astrologers. Time is ordered by the circling of the planets, the rotation of the earth, the phases of the moon. Astrologers kept track of these cycles of time in ancient societies. To mark the cycles, ancient peoples built temples and pyramids, erected stone altars or inscribed rocks.

Because time is the realm of astrologers, astrology has been called the “clock of destiny”.

As beginning astrologer, I was fascinated by the connections of the astrological transits to things that happened in my life. In addition, I easily saw astrological correlations in the lives of family members. Whether real or not, the correlation between celestial events and human ones is the basis for predictive astrology. At times, the practice of astrology has been forbidden, based on a belief that astrologers could predict when a ruler would be vulnerable to harm by enemies. Dating back to at least Roman times, royal astrologers served the ruler and not the general public.

Yoga Swami lecturing on the Bhagavad Gita.
Swami Mahesh lectures on the chakras, Bangalore, India 2011. Astrologers in India have been well regarded since ancient times.
©Carolyn Relei 2023
In India, astrology is revered

One role for astrologers in India is to pinpoint auspicious (favorable) times for certain activities. Astrologers assist people who want to marry by helping in the selection of a suitable marriage partner. People seek their advice for the correct amulet, prayer or gem that can ward off danger during inauspicious times. In the West, however, though Christianity acknowledges that astrologers from the “east” came to honor the baby Jesus by following his star, detractors have often vilified astrology through the uneven course of its history.

temples on the  rooftops in Bangalore, India 2011
Rooftops shrines, Bangalore, India. Vedic astrology uses amulets, prayers, and gems to counteract negative celestial influences.
©Carolyn Relei 2023

The gods of the “Hindu” pantheon are visible everywhere in Bangalore, a city in the southern part of India. I am reminded of the verse of the Bhagavad Gita, wherein Krishna states his amazing attributes, among them: “Time I am…”. India held to ancient traditions which, in most parts of the world, were overwhelmed by the “scientific” views of the modern era centuries ago. But time has cycles and what was once old is now new. Interest in astrology is waxing like moon!

The post Time is the Realm of Astrologers appeared first on Reflections.

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