ancient queen of sciences Archives - Reflections Carolyn Relei's blog Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:12:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ancient queen of sciences Archives - Reflections 32 32 Astrology Was the “Queen of Sciences” of our ancestors. Tue, 21 Feb 2023 01:37:50 +0000 Astrology was the “Queen of Sciences” of our ancestors. How and why was this art so important? Astrology was the “queen of sciences” of our ancestors. Its practitioners enjoyed high status as wise men or scientists in their societies. Though techniques and meanings varied, many complex organized societies had specially trained astrological specialists. Timing agricultural … Continue reading "Astrology Was the “Queen of Sciences” of our ancestors."

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Astrology was the “Queen of Sciences” of our ancestors. How and why was this art so important?
Chichen Itza astronomical observatory, called El Caracol, in the Yucatan, Mexico
The observatory at Chichen Itza is an example of an astronomical/astrological observatory in the ancient Mayan world. Sciences, such as astronomy, were intimately tied together with religion in all ancient societies.
©Carolyn Relei 2023

Astrology was the “queen of sciences” of our ancestors. Its practitioners enjoyed high status as wise men or scientists in their societies. Though techniques and meanings varied, many complex organized societies had specially trained astrological specialists. Timing agricultural rites, predicting events, matching suitable marriage partners, determining the course of disease or the fate of an invading army were their specialties. Therefore these wise men had a role akin to scientist/priest. We call them astrologers now. Because their knowledge was so vital to their societies, we say that astrology was the Queen of Sciences of our ancestors. The art of astrology illuminated how the celestial sky interacted with the people and their society.

Eventually scientific advancements revealed that the earth is not the center of the solar system. Consequently, astrology slowly morphed into two disciplines, astrology and astronomy.

In the past, there was no distinction between astrologer and astronomer.

Astrologers were aware of the movements of the planets, the cycles of eclipses, and much more. Vestiges of their ancient observatories are scattered around the globe. Mexico has a few, such as those at Monte Alban and Chichen Itza (shown above). Simpler indications of astronomical observations are inscribed rocks. I visited this one at Rio Puerco Pueblo site in Arizona. The crevasse has an incised spiral that is illuminated during summer solstice. Although we don’t have written documentation, the incised rocks and the purposeful orientation of the monuments tell us a story in stone.

Solstice Marker at Rio Puerco Pueblo
Pueblo Summer Solstice Marker. In the dark crevasse is an incised pattern that is lit up by the sun at summer solstice. ©Carolyn Relei 2023
The Ancient Skies Invited Attention

Imagine a world without electric lights, the sky nearly black on a moonless night, thousands of brilliant stars scattered across, with brighter glowing orbs moving slowly against the backdrop of stars. Quiet figures scan the darkness, deciphering the patterns of movement of the wandering planets. These seers in the night build predictive systems over long centuries.

night sky has millions of stars
Astrology was the Queen of Sciences of our ancestors. Our ancestors had the vast canopy of stars, undiminished by electric lights, above them
The birth horoscope is a map of the sky at the moment of a person’s birth.
This is a birth chart.  To an experienced astrologer, it reveals the individual's personality in great detail.
To an astrologer, this chart reveals this individual’s personality in great detail.

The birth horoscope is actually a map of the sky at the moment of birth. I view the birth horoscope as key to personality and potential. Consequently, for viewing past conditions and forecast possibilities the natal chart is essential. The accurate natal chart is key to the rest of the life story.

Scientists, astronomers and mathematicians now and in times past developed the charts and tables that astrologers use for their calculations. Astrological software programs make it simple to do the calculations. This ease in calculation enables the insights provided by astrology to be appreciated by an ever-wider audience. What was once the purview of only a few, is now accessible to the many. For that, I am grateful.

The post Astrology Was the “Queen of Sciences” of our ancestors. appeared first on Reflections.

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