About Me

Welcome. I’m Carolyn Relei.

The ephemeris and horoscope chart.
As a professional astrologer, I use an ephemeris to fine tune my understanding of significant life events.

With my guidance through astrology, I help you navigate life’s challenges. For over 50 years, I’ve offered readings, often as a Secret Astrologer, hiding my passion for astrology from friends or co-workers. I worked with celebrities and individuals in all walks of life, guiding them to know themselves through their birth charts. My clients gain insight, forge new directions, and find clarity on their paths. As a consequence, some embark on new careers, take up an engaging hobby, or decide to travel. Certainly, an astrology reading can be the wake-up call to your own best self .

A reading with me is a conversation with you

Using your natal chart as the focus, we explore the forces at work in your life, your potentials and challenges. From your accurately drawn birth chart, I share with you your strengths, talents, opportunities, and the direction of greatest joy. Furthermore, you will be able to ask questions or get clarification during our conversation for issues of the present moment.

My own journeys, education and experience give me insight into people and cultures. You can be sure that you are conversing with a real human, a wise one, who has a spiritual outlook, a kind approach, eyes to the heavens and feet firmly on the ground. Truly, I am committed to helping you avoid pitfalls and gain insight into your self which will open new horizons of opportunity and enable you to be your best in the present moment.

I look forward to helping you unlock the secrets of the stars!


The necessary legal disclaimer: All astrology readings, reports, charts and products from Carolyn Relei Secret Astrologer are for entertainment purposes only. Any advice, suggestion, remark, or analysis are for your entertainment only. Therefore, the readings, reports, and charts I provide do not constitute financial, legal, medical, psychiatric, psychological, or any other type of professional advice. If you require such advice, please consult a licensed professional.

Upon purchasing a reading, report or other product from Carolyn Relei Secret Astrologer you acknowledge that you:

  • Have read this disclaimer in its entirety;
  • Understand all aspects of this disclaimer;
  • Agree with all aspects of this disclaimer;
  • Release me of any and all liability for any actions and/or inactions;
  • Are at least 18 years of age.

Although I take astrology very seriously and regard it as a powerful tool of insight and guidance, I provide my services for entertainment only. My services are not a substitute for professional services provided by licensed doctors, counselors, attorneys, psychiatrists, financial advisors, or other board certified and government acknowledged professionals.

Carolyn Relei is not responsible for any damages arising from any actions taken by a client following an astrological reading or upon receipt of an astrological report or chart.

Carolyn’s Astrological Monogram

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