Compatibility in Astrology

Compatibility in astrology is viewed through the synastry and the composite chart. However, the relationship you get, even if the astrological compatibility in some areas is excellent, will be shaped by type of partner you innately are, based on your own individual chart. This is a truth that you don’t often hear or read. But consider this as similar to cooking: if the ingredients aren’t all good, it doesn’t matter how great the recipe is.

Natal Complexity

Of course I don’t mean that someone or anyone has a bad chart.  But some charts have such disparate juxtapositions of key planets in elements and modalities, that it would be very hard to find a partner who would complement the entire chart in every way. Back to my analogy to cooking, some foods may have such complex flavors that they would be hard to combine with a similarly complex flavored ingredient.

Other Significant Relationships

As a caring person, I look at both the synastry and  composite charts to understand the relationship focus.  I also look at the current transita to the partners’ charts to see what transitory issues are unfolding and when they might be resolved.Where is the complex blending, the sweet spot, tasty to both partners?

Though the romantic partner relationship is key, it is but one of many relationships we cultivate over our lifetime. Relationships with our early caregivers, mom, dad, siblings, extended family, teachers and friends are highly significant. I urge you to look at those relationships with care and focus, through the tools of astrology. You can choose from many options to see your chart(s) at

Planetary Pairings

For marriage as a romantic sexual union, Venus and Mars are the most important to be good aspect to each other.  But marriages also embody other types of relating or responsibilities. If it’s about nurturing children, then we would want to see Sun -Moon harmony and some nurturing and responsibility aspects.  If a person has a strong Mercury and an intellectual need for a communicative partner, then Mercury aspects take precedence.  An older or sick person might need a partner who is more of a caregiver, then we see the strong harmonious Neptune or 12th house connection.  Sports aficionados and social leaders will be looking toward Mars and Jupiter.  Partnerships that focus on competitions like tennis would have first house, seventh house, Aries, and Libra highlighted.

Life Stages

As we go through different stages in our lives, it’s important to take our stage of  life into consideration when comparing charts.  The difference between a person’s  value system or sense of self after the first or second Saturn return can be quite dramatic.  Relationships based on a value system that has become outdated may  need to find a new focus of communication and sharing.

The Transits Can Alter Our View of Our Relationships

Depending on your own chart, some transits can really alter your perception of your role or your partner’s role in the relation, as well as alter your view of what kind of relationship you want or need. I wrote a short blog post you can find here.

Author: CarolynRelei

Artist, Teacher, I've used the study of astrology in my life for over five decades to avoid trouble and maximize joy!

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