Coming out of the Era of Deception and into the Era of Fighting for “Justice”

The Neptune in Pisces era is just about over. Neptune enters Aries at the end of March and where it will stay for about 14 years. Already in the past few months and even years, as it has moved closer to the Aries cusp, we have gotten signals of just how Neptune’s energy plays out in the Aries realm.

Neptune, the planet of spirituality, compassion, and deception, which eats away at the foundations of things, was in its own sign of rulership while in Pisces.  I saw its influence.  There was an excess of kindness which often led to exploitation, the forgiveness and effort to accommodate (rather than fix) people with mental differences, the increase of effort to lift up the downtrodden (sometimes by stepping on the bystander in the process), the government’s and universities’ overreach in efforts to lift up the underdog, the push to change the language we use to describe things in an effort to minimize differences, the blurring of legal and illegal, the push to erase boundaries, are all Neptunian and Piscean (of the sign of Pisces).

The sign Pisces is the sign of the limitless and formless spiritual oneness that we have inside us.  Some people epitomize Pisces in an honored way – the yogis and saints who seem to transcend time, the scriptures which tell us to love one another, to give to each other as we would like to receive, to be aware that death is no respecter of persons or positions, and that everyone, no matter what they have done in life, is worthy of God’s forgiveness and a place in the heaven of our respective religions.

How this works in “real life” is sometimes ugly.  Your spouse shouldn’t really give your savings account to a stranger, leaving you destitute.  Your government shouldn’t really give your farm to a thief, just because he or she is hungry.  The element of fairness is missing from Neptune’s realm.  Everything is one in that realm, there are no differences, so that working for a goal becomes meaningless, borders don’t exist and private property is an oxymoron, and fighting or making effort toward one’s own well-being is an act of selfishness.

But the planets in our solar system don’t stand still.  The moving planets, to astrologers, array themselves in endless spiraling patterns. As they move, the energies change.  We can feel the change from Pisces energy to Aries energy in Neptune’s journey.  In our country and others (if you read behind the “news”), the change is obvious.  Neptune in Aries wants to fight for justice.  Aries, Mars’ sign, tries to create a type of heaven on earth by fighting.  Aries’ vision is not based on the erasure of boundaries, but on the Aries (somewhat naïve) concept of justice and fairness, individual effort and the vision of creating heaven on earth, a concept that anything that one visualizes can come true and that fighting for one’s vision is a desirable goal of life.

We are already seeing that if we read behind the news.  Removing people who broke through borders, reestablishing borders and boundaries, calling for merit based rather than compassion-based hiring, are all symptoms of this new Neptune iteration.  Truth is that Aries is ruled by Mars.  Though a desire for justice might be the initiating spark that sets off the battle, Mars loves to fight.  The next fourteen years will surely be interesting.  I hope we all survive!

ASTROLOGY is infused in language and tradition

Astrology is infused in language and tradition.
For example, the names of the days of the week in the Latin derived languages come from the names of the planetary “gods” of the ancients.

The names of the days of the week are derived from the names of the planets.

The Meanings of Many Words Are Derived From Astrology

Further, the qualities of the planetary gods inform our literary vocabulary. Jovial is of the qualities of Jove (Jupiter), Martial is of the military or warlike qualities of Mars. Lunatic is of the qualities of the Luna, the Moon. A Saturnine disposition is a dour one, derived from the energies of Saturn. Venereal (as in a social disease) comes from the name of the planetary goddess, Venus. Indeed, many words we use come from the names of the planets and qualities that the planets represent. I am sure that you, the reader, will recognize these words in literature if you pay attention.

Connection in stories, visions and more

The astrological connection is in our stories, visions, dreams, mythology and religion. An example, perhaps only obvious to a practitioner of astrology, is in the Book of Revelations. We recognize astrological symbolism in Revelation 4:6.

Revelations 4:6

“6 Before the throne there was a sea of glass, like crystal. And in the midst of the throne, and around the throne, were four living creatures full of eyes in front and in back. 7 The first living creature was like a lion, the second living creature like a calf, the third living creature had a face like a man, and the fourth living creature was like a flying eagle. 8 The four living creatures, each having six wings, were full of eyes around and within. And they do not rest day or night…. “

What is the connection to astrology in the verses above?

The twelve signs of the zodiac circle include four fixed signs, four mutable signs and four cardinal signs. The fixed signs are the anchors, the signs that hold the energy. The mutable signs are the changeable signs and the cardinal signs are the initiators. The four fixed signs include Aquarius the Water Bearer (a man), Leo the Lion, Taurus the Bull (or Ox) and Scorpio, which we know as a scorpion, a snake or, in Scorpio’s highest and most spiritual manifestation, as an Eagle.

We see the same group in Ezekial 1:10

Ezekial 1:10

Ezekiel 1:10 “As for the likeness of their faces, each had the face of a man; each of the four had the face of a lion on the right side, each of the four had the face of an ox on the left side, and each of the four had the face of an eagle.

The Magi Were Astrologers

the Magi were Astrologers

The story of the Christ child and the crèche statues that we see all around at Christmas attest to the journey of the Magi. Although translations of the Bible called them the Wise Men, the actual translation of the Greek means “astrologers”. Astrologers came from the East to greet the Christ child. This story attests to the fact that astrologers were considered so important that their inclusion in the story of the Christ child gives credence to it.

Learn the keywords for the planets, signs, houses and aspects. The keywords are short phrases or single words that describe. A planet may have hundreds of keywords. For sure, the more keywords you learn, the more you will learn the fabulous depth and breadth of the art of interpretation. The cool things is that you can read a book as old as Chaucer’s Tales or read up on current events and you will be able to connect the planets to the story.