Use an astrology app to find your current or past astrology transits and read about their effects.

Looking at your astrology transits with the Time Passages astrology app will enable you to find your current or past astrology transits and read about their effects. You can then compare the descriptions of the transit effects with the actual events or feelings in your life. What if more than one transit aspect is going on in your life? In reality, that is usually the case. Consequently, you will want to identify which of the transits seems to be most potent for you. Was it a type of aspect, such as the square, sesquiquadrate, semisquare or opposition, or was it the trine? Or, were several several aspects to a particular planet giving more emphasis to its energies? An app can help you learn more about astrology, in general, and about your own reactions to planetary energies.
Astrologers pay close attention to transits, the daily motion of the planets in relation to the natal chart.

I look at transits daily, either by viewing the planetary positions using a sophisticated computer program, an ephemeris, or an app. For a newbie, I recommend Time Passages app for your phone. For a solo user, it is free and available on Google Play. I don’t have any “interest” in the app, but I suggest it to my students and other learners because I like the way it shows the dates that each transit will be in effect.
I made a short video to show how to read about the transiting aspects once you download the app and put in your own birth data. Watch the video here:
Want to see your astrological transits for a full year ahead?
Order a PDF that I will send to you via email. Learning about the transits on a daily basis, really noting and feeling them is very convincing. The first yearly transit report that I read was way back in 1975. By reading it daily and observing myself, it became apparent to me that I reacted strongly whenever a transiting sesquiquadrate was happening. Most astrologers focus on major aspects, such squares and oppositions. Yet, by self-observation I noted a correlation of my reactions to the transiting minor aspects. This helped me to feel, observe, reflect, and choose to react or not, rather than go with the, often negative, emotional flow.
You can order a full year transit report that includes the minor aspects from me here:
Have a one-on-one conversation!

For the caring and deep personal look at your astrological transits for the year ahead, schedule a conversation which only a human can give. I’ve done readings for years in person and for the last five years I do them by phone. I genuinely help people in a way that changes lives! Schedule here: